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LearnEnglishBest / Грамматика / Общепринятые сокращения в английском языке

Общепринятое сокращение Произношение Полное вырожение
aren’t [ɑːnt] are not
can’t [kɑːnt] cannot
couldn’t [kudnt] could not
didn’t [dıdnt] did not
doesn’t [dʌznt] does not
don’t [dount] do not
hadn’t [hædnt] had not
haven’t [hævnt] have not
hasn’t [hæznt] has not
he’d [hı:d] he had/ should / would
he’ll [hı:l] he will
he’s [hı:z] he is / has
here's [hıəz] here is / has
I’d [aıd] I had / should / would
I’ll [aıl] I shall / will
I’m [aım] I am
I’ve [aıv] I have
isn’t [ıznt] is not
it’ll [ıtl] it will
it’s [ıts] it is / has
let’s [lets] let us
mayn’t [meınt] may not
mightn’t [maıtnt] might not
mustn’t [mʌsnt] must not
shan’t [ʃɑːnt] shall not
she’d [ʃı:d] she had / should / would
she’ll [ʃı:l] she will
she’s [ʃı:z] she is / has
shouldn’t [ʃudnt] should not
that’ll [ðætl] that will
that’s [ðæts] that is
there’s [ðəz] there is / has
they’d [ðeıd] they had / should / would
they’ll [ðeıl] they will
they’re [ðeə] they are
they’ve [ðeıv] they have
wasn’t [wɔznt] was not
we’d [wı:d] we had / should / would
we’ll [wı:l] we shall / will
we’re [wıə] we are
weren’t [wə:nt] were not
we’ve [wı:v] we have
what’s [wɔts] what is
won’t [wount] will not
wouldn’t [wudnt] would not
you’d [ju:d] you had / should / would
you’ll [ju:l] you will
you’re [juə] you are
you’ve [ju:v] you have


Want to = Wanna

Going to = Gonna, Gon

Give me = Gimme

Got to = Gotta

Don't know = Dunno

Lot of = Lotta

You, your, you're - ya

Because - 'cause, cuz, cos

Alright - Aight

You all - Y'all

Come on - C'mon

Them - 'em

Got you - I gotcha

Kind of - Kinda

Trying to - Tryna

Little - Lil'

Player - Playa

Dollar - Dolla

Never - Neva

Отбрасывание g в ing

Somethin', Doin', Goin'

'bout = About

Замена всем отрицательным словам

Ain't - is not, are not, am not, will not, have not, has not


LOL - Laugting Out Loud (громко смеяться)

OMG - Oh my God - О, Боже

WTF - What the fuck? - Что за фигня?

RIP - Rest in peace - Покойся с миром

BTW - By the way - Кстати

RTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing - Катаюсь по полу со смеха

ATM - At the moment - В данный момент

BRB - Be right back - Вернусь

Featuring - feat. - Ft (в содействии, при присутствии)

Versus - Vs. (против)


I am - I'm (I'm (= I am) already here. - Я уже здесь.)
I have - I've (I've (= I have) seen that movie several times. - Я смотрел этот фильм несколько раз.)
I will - I'll (I'll (= I will) deal with this. - Я позабочусь об этом.)
I had / I would - I'd (I'd (= I had) done it by the time you came. - Я сделал это к тому времени, когда ты пришел. / I promised you I'd (= I would) do it. - Я пообещал тебе, что сделаю это.
You are - You're (You're (= you are) one of the best students in this class. - Ты один из лучших студентов в этом классе.)
You have - You've (You've (= you have) been such a good friend to me. - Ты был мне таким хорошим другом.)
You will - You'll (You'll (= you will) see him soon enough. - Ты встретишься с ним довольно скоро.)
You had / you would - You'd (You passed the test because you'd (= you had) prepared for it. - Ты сдал контрольную работу потому, что готовился к ней заранее. / You'd (= you would) like it, I'm sure. - Я уверен, тебе бы это понравилось.)
He is / he has - He's (He's (= he is) a very talented actor. - Он - очень талантливый актер. / He's (= he has) never lied to us. - Он никогда нам не лгал.)
He will - He'll (He'll (= he will) show up, he is just running a little late. - Он придет, он лишь немного запаздывает.)
He had / he would - He'd (He'd (= he had) helped me a lot to finish the work by your arrival. - Он помог мне закончить работу до твоего прихода. / He'd (= he would) be very glad to contribute. - Он был бы очень рад помочь.)
She is / she has - She's (She's (= she is) standing by the window. - Она стоит у окна. / She's (= she has) got a lot of money. - У нее много денег.)
She will - She'll (She'll (= she will) come over to our house tonight. - Сегодня вечером она придет к нам.)
She had / she would - She'd (She'd (= she had) called me before she came. - Она позвонила перед тем, как пришла. / She said that she'd (= she would) give me a call during the lunch-break. - Она сказала, что позвонит мне во время перерыва на обед.)
It is / it has - It's (It's (= it is) hot today. - Сегодня жарко. / It's (= it has) never been so hot. - Так жарко еще никогда не было.)
We are - We're (We're (= we are) coming, we're almost there. - Мы идем, почти уже пришли.)
We have - We've (We've (= we have) tried to get a hold of you, but failed. - Мы пытались связаться с тобой, но не смогли.)
We will - We'll (We'll (= we will) watch over the kids. - Мы приглядим за детьми.)
We had / we would - We'd (We'd (= we had) traveled from Germany to Spain. - Мы путешествовали из Германии в Испанию. / We'd (= we would) be much obliged if you helped us. - Мы были бы очень признательны, если бы вы нам помогли.)
They are - They're (They're (= they are) going to play tennis. - Они собираются играть в теннис.)
They have - They've (I hear that they've (= they have) been told everything. - Я слышал, что им все рассказали.)
They will - They'll (I hope they'll (= they will) be on time. - Надеюсь, что они не опоздают.)
They had / they would - They'd (They'd (= they had) done their work long before I started doing mine. - Они сделали свою работу задолго до того, как я начал свою. / I talked to them and they promised they'd (= they would) do everything in their power. - Я поговорил с ними, и они пообещали, что сделаю все возможное.)
There is / there has - There's (There's (=there is) little time left. - Осталось мало времени. / There's (= there has) been a very nice chinese restaurant down the street before, but now it's gone. - Раньше на этой улице был очень хороший китайский ресторан, но сейчас его нет.)
There will - There'll (They say there'll (= there will) be a new school in our district. - Говорят, в нашем районе появится новая школа.)
There had / there would - There'd (There'd (= there had) been many people here before. - Раньше здесь было много людей. / I knew there'd (= ther would) be a way. - Я знал, что появится какой-нибудь выход.)

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