- Who is the fastest runner in the whole world?
- Adam, because he was the first in the human race.
- What is higher without the head, than with it?
- A pillow.
- What is the best cure for dandruff?
- Baldness
- If you threw a White stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?
- Wet
- What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
- A Towel
- How many letters are there in the alphabet?
- Eleven, (T..h..e...A..l..p..h..a..b..e..t)
- Where does Friday come before Thursday?
- In the Dictionary.
- What invention lets you look right through a wall?
- A window.
- A boy fell off a 100 foot ladder. But he did not get hurt. Why not?
- He fell off the bottom step.
- What has a ring, but no finger?
- A telephone
- What bank never has any money?
- The riverbank
- What wears a jacket, but no pants?
- A book
- What can clap without any hands?
- Thunder
- What has a bark, but no bite?
- A tree
- What has a neck but no head, and wears a cap?
- A Bottle.
- What has four legs, but can't walk?
- A Table.
- What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?
- Trouble.
- When is a door not a door?
- When it's a jar.
- What is there more of the less you see?
- Darkness.
- What kind of dress can never be worn?
- An address.
- What starts with an 'E', ends with an 'E', and only has one letter in it?
- An envelope.
- What kind of coat can you put on only when it's wet?
- A coat of paint.
- What flies around all day but never goes anywhere?
- A flag.
- What goes up and down, but never moves?
- A flight of stairs.
- What has only two words, but thousands of letters?
- A Post Office.
- Bobby throws a ball as hard as he can. It comes back to him, even though nothing and nobody touches it. How?
- He throws it straight up.
- What has a hundred limbs, but cannot walk?
- A Tree.
- Three men were in a boat. It capsized, but only two got their hair wet. Why?
- One was bald.
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