| | LearnEnglishBest / Рассказы, статьи / The Letters Written By The Teens Who Have Problems With Their Parents - Письма, написанные подростками, которые имеют проблемы с родителями
The Letters Written By The Teens Who Have Problems With Their Parents - Письма, написанные подростками, которые имеют проблемы с родителями- Emily, 15
My parents are too harden me. 'We have great difficulties with understanding each other. Every day I hear ''Don't listen to this music', 'Don't talk to this girl - she is spoilt', ''Don't invite your friends' ... Sometimes I feel irritated and we quarrel. I'm really tired of such a don't-do-it way of upbringing. My parents are convinced that everything I do is wrong. To I really deserve such an attitude? - Helen, 16
My parents don't understand me! 'They treat me as if I were a kid though I am already 16! I want to go clubbing and bowling, I want to meet my friends and go to different parties. 'But they tell me to think more about school and my studies. 'When I go somewhere I have to be at home not later than 10 p.m. It's ridiculous and all my friends laugh at me. My father almost had a stroke when he learnt that I had a boyfriend. How can I make them understand that I'm not a child any more? - Michael, 15
My classmates bully me. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm shy and a bit fat or wear spectacles. I told my parents about my problem but they said it was quite all right and that I had to patch things up myself. They seem to be absolutely indifferent to what's going on in my life. They don't care about what I feel or what I want. I'd like to become a computer programmer, but dad says I must become a lawyer. But what about my dreams? I'm torn between wanting to take a stand, and not wanting to upset my parents.
The Letters Written By The Teens Who Have Problems With Their Parents
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