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LearnEnglishBest / Анекдоты, шутки и смешные истории на английском языке (часть 3)

В данном разделе собраны ссылки на анекдоты, шутки и смешные истории на английском языке, которые легко читаются и доступны для понимания большинству новичков, которые изучают английский. [Часть 3]

1. Too Enthusiastic
2. A little boy
3. A man died
4. Farmer's Tractor
5. 747
6. Reverend
7. Man, Woman, Sleeping Compartment
8. Touchy Feely Cracky
9. Women vs. Vinyl Records
10. At the Pharmacy
11. Put It On Your Organ
12. Sumo Kamikaze
13. Rooster in His Declining Years
14. Toilet Brush
15. Shooting an Elephant
16. Banana Peel
17. The Blonde Fox
18. Making a Confession
19. Ol' McBlondie
20. Blonde haircut
21. Mysterious death
22. What's Worse?
23. Lawyer... Genius
24. Spell L-O-V-E
25. Go Fish
26. Rabbit Breakout
27. Drunken Man and Blonde
28. English Patient
29. Warm and Moist
30. Gloves and Panties
31. Who's the Most Fun to Operate On?
32. Bee Jokes for the Pollen in You
33. S & M
34. Puzzle Pieces
35. B-Day Sex
36. Man Catches Crocodile
37. Signs That You're A Drunk
38. Clock Joke
39. Stumpy and his wife
40. Goose Hunting
41. Smoking in the Rain
42. The Magician and the Parrot
43. Throwing Stuff Down A Mineshaft
44. None For You
45. Hide the Duke
46. Wedding Dress
47. I'm a Barbie Girl
48. Yo mama's so poor... shoe
49. Staring Insult
50. Clinton's DNA
51. Shut-up and Trouble
52. Nerd Season
53. A Small Problem
54. Romantic Pink Slip
55. Shrewd Investment
56. 3 Vampires
57. I See You!
58. Leper Hockey
59. Hole in One
60. Fish Market
61. Highbrow Genital Jokes
62. Law of Cat Inertia
63. Pound for Pound
64. Jedi Nights
65. Hot Doggin'
66. The Feline Diet
67. Adult Swim
68. Finder's keepers
69. Hand me downs
70. The taste of a new generation
71. Dogs and Light Bulbs
72. Horses at the Race
73. Drink up
74. Lay off
75. 10 Things in Golf that Sound Dirty
76. Low self-esteem
77. Tales from the Shire
78. Loud, mad, or sad
79. I often feel guilty
80. Better relationship
81. Emotional extremes
82. 12-Pack
83. Trouble sleeping
84. One Side of a Phone Call between James Bond...
85. Question and answer blonde jokes
86. Rowing Your Boat
87. 69 joke
88. Blonde Car Accident
89. Dog Property Rules
90. Sounds of the Wild
91. Blonde Sky Divers
92. Giving Cats Pills
93. I Want to Buy That
94. Collateral
95. Top Ten Guidelines for Enlightenment
96. Pa won’t like that
97. Useful phrases
98. Reincarnation
99. Exciting news
100. Three parrots
101. The way to recognise a company car
102. The blonde joke
103. The blonde joke
104. Sign of the times
105. O’Malley’s last stand
106. Three drunks
107. The pheasant and the bull
108. The rescuing hug
109. Top 10 Universal Truths
110. Betty Crocker
111. The scottish farmer
112. Quotes from Stupid
113. Caring Men
114. 2+2
115. The big shot
116. Eye Exam
117. Fart to The Beat
118. Quotes from stupid, part 2
119. Tiger Woods
120. Bank Teller
121. Self-Appraisal – An Inspiring Story!
122. Country Song Titles
123. Relations - Отношения [rus]
124. Two Ethical Questions!
125. Keep On Singing
126. Honest grandma
127. The differences between you and your boss
128. Strange Facts That May Be True
129. Five Dollars
130. Shake it up
131. Being a dick
132. Married men make the best employees
133. Grass sandwich
134. Age difference
135. Always by my side
136. Strange Facts That May Be True, part 2
137. Having a bad day
138. Einstein’s Chauffer
139. Things Found Only in America
140. First on The Throne
141. Tampon shopping
142. The Old Wise Man!
143. Having a bad day
144. Poor Silver
145. For the sake of decency
146. The jewish joke
147. Jewish Atheist
148. Three nuns
149. The blonde joke

Анекдоты, шутки и смешные истории (часть 1) | Анекдоты, шутки и смешные истории (часть 2)

Анекдоты, шутки и смешные истории на английском языке (часть 3)

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