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- What often falls and never gets hurt? (snow - снег)
- It is your parents' child. It is not your brother. It is not your sister. Who is it? (I - Я)
- When I eat I live, but when I drink I die. What am I? (fire - огонь)
- What is that above your head but under your cap? (your hair - ваши волосы)
- How many eggs can the giant eat on an empty stomach? (one - одно)
- In what month do children talk the least? (in February - в феврале)
- When do horses have eight legs? (when there are two of them - когда их двое)
- What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean? (a blackboard - черная доска)
- Where do the world's finest oranges grow? (on trees - на деревьях)
- What is there in your house that you must look into? (a mirror- зеркало)
- Should you stir your tea with your left hand or your right hand? (use a spoon - используя ложку)
- What goes up when the rain comes down? (an umbrella - зонт)
- A little old woman with twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some warm. What is it? (a year - год)
- What has two arms and four legs? (an armchair - кресло)
- What man cannot live inside the house? (a snowman - снежный человек)
- What runs but never walks? (a river - река)
- The doors are open in the morning but shut at night. If you look into them, you'll see yourself inside. (eyes - глаза)
- What kind of teeth cannot bite? (the teeth of a comb - зубья расчески)
- Clean, but not water. White but not snow. Sweet but not honey. What is it? (milk - молоко)
- Four legs but not an animal. (bed - кровать)
- What can you hear but not see? (wind - ветер)
- There is a question to which we cannot answer "yes". What question is it? (Are you sleeping? - Ты спишь?)

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