- What gets beaten, and whipped, but never cries?
An egg - яйцо
- I have no bones and no legs, but if you keep me warm, I will soon walk away.What am I?
An egg - яйцо
- One day, while I was having breakfast, my wedding ring slipped off my finger and fell into a full cup of coffee, but the ring didn't get wet. Why not?
The cup was filled with dry, ground coffee - Чаша была наполнена сухим молотым кофе
- What are two things you cannot have for breakfast?
Lunch and dinner - Обуед и ужин
- How many blocks can you put in an empty box?
One. After that it's not empty anymore - Один. После этого она больше не пустая.
- What kind of cup can't hold water?
A cupcake - кекс
- Which is the table that we can eat?
Vegetable - овощ
- Which fast does u do everyday?
Breakfast - завтрак.
- What room is never entered?
A Mushroom - Гриб
- Which room has no door, no windows, no floor and no roof?
Mushroom - гриб.
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