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The Official Holidays in Russia — Официальные праздники в России

Топик The Official Holidays in Russia

  • January 1 New Year's Day
  • January 7 Christmas, Russian Orthodox
  • March 8 International Women's Day
  • May 1-2 Spring and Labour Holiday
  • May 9 Victory Day (Over German Nazism in the WW2)
  • June 12 Independence Day
  • August 22 Day of the Russian Federation State Flag
  • November 7 Day of Accord and Conciliation
  • December 12 Constitution Day
  • The New Year is first on the calendar and in popularity. Many celebrate it twice, on January 1 and 14 (which corresponds to January 1 in the Julian calendar, used in Russia before 1918).
  • Next is February 23, Soldier's Day, known until recently as Soviet Army Day, popularly viewed as holiday for all men and closely followed by its female counterpart, Women's Day, March 8, when women receive flowers, presents and are toasted by men.
  • Mayday, until recently officially termed International Workers' Solidarity Day, is now known as Spring and Labour Day. On some years, it occurs on or close to Russian Orthodox Easter, so some people celebrate in church while some attend customary demonstrations.
  • Russia celebrates Victory Day on May 9 to commemorate the millions fallen in World War II. Flowers and wreaths are laid on wartime graves on this day, and veterans come out into the streets wearing their military orders and medals. Alas, there are fewer of them with every passing year.
  • June 12 is Russia's newest holiday, Independence Day, which commemorates the adoption in 1991 of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation.

November 7 — the anniversary of the socialist revolution of October 1917 which established communist power — still survives. The system is gone, but many still cling to the custom.

Church feasts have been reborn. Easter is celebrated nationwide, as of old, and Christmas became a day off. Muslims, Jews and Buddhists also celebrate their feasts without fear of secular authorities.

[ перевод на русский язык ]

Официальные праздники в России

  • 1 января - Новый год
  • 7 января - Российское православное Рождество
  • 8 марта - Международный Женский день
  • 1-2 мая  - День весны и солидарности трудящихся (День труда)
  • 9 мая - День Победы (над немецким нацизмом во Второй мировой войне)
  • 12 июня - День независимости
  • 22 августа - День Государственного Флага Российской Федерации
  • 7 ноября - День Согласия и Примирения
  • 12 декабря - День Конституции
  • Новый год является первым в календаре и по популярности. Многие празднуют его дважды, 1 и 14 января (которое соответствует 1-му января по Юлианскому календарю, которым пользовались в России до 1918 г.).
  • Затем 23 февраля, День Солдата, известный до недавнего времени как День Советской Армии, обычно рассматривается как праздник всех мужчин и вскоре сопровождается своей женской копией, Женским Днем, 8 марта, когда женщины получают от 'мужчин цветы, подарки и поздравления.
  • Первомай, как недавно официально называли Международный День солидарности трудящихся, теперь известен как День весны и труда. Иногда он выпадает на российскую православную Пасху, таким образом, одни люди празднуют его в церкви, в то время как другие посещают общепринятые демонстрации.
  • 9 мая Россия празднует День Победы в память о миллионах погибших во Второй мировой войне. В этот день на солдатских могилах возлагают цветы и венки, а ветераны надевают свои военные ордена и медали и выходят на улицы. Увы, с каждым годом, их все меньше.
  • 12 июня Россия празднует самый молодой праздник, День независимости, в честь принятия в 1991 г. Декларации Суверенитета Российской Федерации.

Все еще отмечается 7 ноября — годовщина Октябрьской социалистической революции 1917 г., которая установила коммунистическую власть. Система ушла в небытие, но многие до сих пор цепляются за обычай.

Заново были возрождены церковные праздники. Пасха празднуется в национальном масштабе, как в старину, а Рождество стало выходным днем. Мусульмане, евреи и буддисты также отмечают свои праздники без страха перед мирскими властями.

The Official Holidays in Russia Официальные праздники в России

Смотреть далее | 15.01.2023 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

Thanksgiving Day — День Благодарения (США) [2]

Топик Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a happy holiday on the fourth Thursday of each November. Americans of all religions celebrate this holiday with big dinners and family reunions. It is a time to remember all the good things in life and to be thankful. Turkey is a traditional Thanksgiving Day Food.

This holiday was founded by the Pilgrims. They were a group of English settlers who came to Massachusetts in 1620. The Pilgrims came to America because they wanted religious freedom.

Their first winter was difficult, and many of the Pilgrims died. But the following year, the corn harvest was good. And there was celebration for three days. That was the first Thanksgiving.

Every Thanksgiving Macy's department store organizes a parade in New York City. In the parade there are balloons of popular cartoon characters, famous television stars, and bands from all over the United States.

Each year, more than 55 million people watch this parade on television. Many other large American cities also have Thanksgiving Day parades.

Watching college football games on television is also a typical Thanksgiving Day activity.

[ перевод на русский язык ]

День благодарения [ 2 ]

Благодарение — веселый праздник, отмечаемый в четвертый четверг ноября. Американцы всех вероисповеданий устраивают в этот день большие обеды и семейные встречи. Это время дано, чтобы вспомнить все хорошее в жизни и быть благодарным за это. Индейка — традиционное блюдо в День благодарения.

Данный праздник был основан пилигримами. Это была группа английских поселенцев, приехавших в штат Массачусетс в 1620 году. Пилигримы приехали в Америку, потому что они хотели свободы в вероисповедании.

Первая зима была тяжелой и многие пилигримы умерли. Но на следующий год урожай зерна был хороший. По этому поводу был устроен трехдневный праздник. Это было первое торжество, посвященное благодарению.

Каждый День благодарения мейсинский универмаг организует парад в Нью-Йорке. На параде развеваются шары в форме популярных мультипликационных персонажей, известные звезды телевидения и музыкальные группы со всех Соединенных Штатов принимают участие в этом празднике.

Каждый год более 55 миллионов человек сморят этот парад по телевизору. Многие крупные города США также организовывают парады на День благодарения.

Телевизионный просмотр футбольных матчей между командами колледжей является типичным времяпрепровождением в этот день.

Вопросы к материалу:

1. What is the meaning of Thanksgiving Day?
2. When is Thanksgiving celebrated?
3. Who were the Pilgrims?
4. What is a traditional food for this holiday?
5. What are traditional Thanksgiving activities?
6. Why did the Pilgrims come to America?


turkey — индейка
reunion — встреча, собрание
settler — поселенец
to found — основать
harvest — урожай
cartoon characters — мультипликационные персонажи
corn — кукуруза, зерно

Thanksgiving Day — День Благодарения (США) [2]

Смотреть далее | 15.01.2023 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

Топик UK Holidays and Traditions — Праздники и традиции Великобритании

UK Holidays and Traditions — Праздники и традиции Великобритании

There are eight public holidays a year in Great Britain when the British have days off work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, the spring bank holiday and late summer bank hol¬iday. The term bank holiday applies also to Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Easter Monday, New Year's Day and May Day and dates back to the 19th century when by the Bank Holiday Act of 1871 these days were constituted bank holidays - days on which banks were to be closed.

Most of these holidays are of religious origin, though for the greater part of the population they have long lost, their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and have fun.
In Great Britain traditions play a more important role in the life of the people than in any other countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and keep them up. Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England.

At Easter, the British give each other chocolate eggs, which they open and eat on Easter Sunday. Easter Monday is a holiday and many people go to the country or seaside to rest.

Christmas (celebrated on December 25th) is a great national holiday but it isn't widely celebrated in Scotland (the Scots begin to enjoy themselves on New Year's Eve six days after Christmas). All shops and factories are closed on this day. At Christmas family members wrap their presents and leave them under the Christmas tree or in colourful socks at the end of children's beds.

Boxing Day (December 26th) is the second day of Christmas when people visit their friends and go for long walks. The rich give money and small presents to postmen, servants and the poor. There are several theories about the origins of the name "Boxing Day". Some say that it was the day when people gave a present or Christmas box to those who had worked for them throughout the year. Another theory says that in England many years ago, it was common practice for the servants to carry boxes to their employers when they arrived for their day's work on the day after Christmas. The employers would then put coins in the boxes as special end-of-year gifts.

New Year's Day is not that important in England as, for example, in Scotland. People invite their friends over to sit the Old Year out and the New Year in. When the clock begins to strike midnight, the head of the family goes to the entrance door, opens it and holds it open till the last stroke. Then he shuts the door and goes back to table, and after that greetings and small presents are offered. People usually make resolutions such as to give up smoking, to change their lives, etc.

St. Valentine's Day, celebrated on the 14th of February, is the traditional day for those who are in love. Young people give flowers and greetings cards to their Valentines and spend the day together. This day has been celebrated worldwide.

Halloween, a holiday loved by all children, takes place on October 31. There are a lot of parties, people dress up in costumes of witches, ghosts and other monsters and scare each other. They also cut faces in pumpkins and put a candle inside. Children usually go from one house to another with empty baskets, knock on doors and say: Trick or treat. People should give them something sweet, or they will play a trick on them.
Among historic holidays, Guy Fawkes Night can be mentioned. In 1605, a group of people with their leader, Guy Fawkes, decided to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Fawkes promised to carry out the plan on the fifth of November, but one of the conspirators got frightened and wrote a warning letter to one of the Lords. Guy Fawkes and his helpers were caught and hanged. Since then British people have celebrated this day by burning a doll made of straw and dressed in old clothes on a bonfire. There are fireworks displays everywhere. Children sing Remember, remember the fifth of November. Some dress in old clothes and beg in the street saying Penny for the guy.

План рассказа топика UK Holidays and Traditions

  1. Предоставить общую информацию о праздниках Великобритании (eight public holidays: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, the spring bank holiday and late summer bank holiday; bank holidays and their history).
  2. Рассказать о самых популярных праздниках Великобритании и традициях (important role; proud of; Easter, chocolate eggs, Easter Sunday/Monday, seaside; Christmas: December 25th, shops and factories are closed, wrap presents, Christmas tree, colourful socks; Boxing Day: December 26th, visit friends/go for long walks, the rich give money to the poor, theories; New Year's Day: Scotland, the clock strikes midnight, head of the family, holds the door open, make resolutions; St. Valentine's Day: 14th of February, flowers and greetings cards, Valentines, has been celebrated worldwide; Halloween: October 31, parties, costumes, cut faces in pumpkins, Trick or treat; Guy Fawkes Night: 1605, blow up the Houses of Parliament, the 5th of November, a warning letter, were caught and hanged, burning a doll made of straw, fireworks displays; Remember, remember the fifth of November, Penny for the guy).

Вопросы к топику — Questions:

  1. Is New Year's Day important in England?
  2. How many public holidays are there in Britain? What are they?
  3. What do the British do at Christmas?
  4. What does the term bank holidays mean and why?
  5. What role do traditions play in the life of the British?
  6. What are the traditions at Easter?
  7. What is Boxing Day and what are the theories about its origin?
  8. What are the Scottish traditions of seeing the New Year in?
  9. What celebration takes place on February 14th?
  10. What is Halloween? How is it celebrated?
  11. Who was Guy Fawkes? What do people do on Guy Fawkes Night?

Топик UK Holidays and Traditions Праздники и традиции Великобритании

Смотреть далее | 14.01.2023 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

Топик US Holidays — Праздники США

Топик US Holidays — Праздники США

The list of holidays in the United States varies from state to state but generally includes the major holidays. Besides Christmas, Easter and St. Valentine's Day celebrated in Christian countries, May Day and Halloween, the celebration of which is very much the same as in Great Britain, there are some specifically American holidays.

Memorial Day is observed in late May. It was introduced in 1868 for the purpose of decorating the graves of Civil Wir veterans and has since become a day on which all war dead are commemorated. Independence Day, or July Fourth commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. It emerged during the American Revolution and has been the most important patriotic holiday ever since. Traditionally it has been celebrated with the firing of guns and fireworks, parades, open-air meetings, and patriotic speeches. Today local authorities prevent much of the former display of fireworks and use of firearms. Veterans' Day is celebrated on November, 11. It is the holiday formerly observed in the United States as Armistice Day and commemorates the signing of the Armistice ending World War I. The day is set aside in honour of all those who have fought in defense of the United States.

Midsummer day and Midsummer night, names given to the feast of the nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24) and the preceding night (St. John's Eve, June 23), have been associated with solar ceremonies since long before Christianity. Relics of such ceremonies are the bright bonfires and the merrymaking of midsummer night. Labour Day, the holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada on the first Monday in September to honour the labourer. Columbus Day is a holiday commemorating Christopher Columbus's discovery of America, celebrated on the Monday nearest to October, 12.

Thanksgiving Day commemorates the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony in 1621, after a winter of great starvation and privation. The first national Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed by George Washington in 1789. Now Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in November. The day is observed by church services and family reunions with the customary turkey dinner reminding of the four wild turkeys served at the Pilgrims' first thanksgiving feast.

Переведите следующие предложения на английский Translate the following sentences into English

  1. День независимости увековечивает принятие Декларации независимости и отмечается стрельбой из ружей, фейерверками, парадами, митингами на открытом воздухе и патриотическими выступлениями.
  2. Список праздников США различается от штата к штату, но обычно включает основные праздники, то есть Рождество, Пасху и День св. Валентина, которые отмечаются в христианских странах, Майский день и некоторые чисто американские праздники.
  3. День поминовения погибших в войнах отмечается в конце мая; он был введен с целью украшения могил ветеранов гражданской войны и является днем, когда чествуются все погибшие в войнах.
  4. День ветеранов ранее праздновался в Америке как День перемирия; он установлен в честь тех, кто защищал США.
  5. Иванов день ассоциируется с обрядами, посвященными солнцу с дохристианских времен, и отмечается яркими кострами и весельем.
  6. День Благодарения отмечается в память об урожае 1621 года после зимы великого голода и лишений.


  1. Independence Day commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence and is celebrated with the firing of guns and fireworks, parades, open air meetings and patriotic speeches.
  2. The list of holidays in the United States varies from state to state but generally includes major holidays, that is Christmas, Easter and St. Valentine's Day celebrated in Christian countries, May Day and Hallowe'en and some specifically American holidays.
  3. Memorial Day is observed in late May, was introduced for the purpose of decorating the graves of Civil War veterans and is a day on which all dead are commemorated.
  4. Veteran's Day was formerly observed as Armistice Day and is set in honour of those who have fought in defense of the United States.
  5. Midsummer Day has been associated with solar ceremonies since long before Christianity and is celebrated with bright bonfires and merrymaking.
  6. Thanksgiving Day commemorates the harvest of 1621 after a winter of great starvation and privation.

Топик US Holidays — Праздники США

Смотреть далее | 14.01.2023 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

The Christmas Feast and Santa Claus — Рождественский банкет и Санта-Клаус

Топик The Christmas Feast and Santa Claus

Christmas takes place on December 25. There are some traditions connected with it. One of them is to give presents to each other. It is not only children and members of family who give presents to each other. It's a tradition to give Christmas presents to the people you work with, to give presents to friends, to send them Christmas cards. Another tradition is to have a Christmas Feast.

On Christmas day, the year's greatest feast was served. Although now we have different foods, the idea is still the same. The feast was started off with drinks and music. Once everyone was seated, the food was served, after dessert, people drank and danced. The banquet lasted hours and was the highlight of the day. During the Feast they served beef, meat pies, roasted duck, geese, pigs, porridge, fancy cakes, and toast. Christmas was a huge celebration filled with lots of eating, drinking, singing, dancing, and gift giving.

The beginning of custom of gift giving during Christmas started from the three wise men, with their three gifts for the Christ child* Since then people have made up different things to tell their children where their Christmas presents came from. Saint Nicholas was known in early Christian legends for saving storm-tossed sailors, standing up for children, and giving gifts to the poor. Although many of his stories can't be proven true, his legend spread throughout Europe, and he was soon known for his extreme generosity and gift giving.

Many stories include him riding through the sky on a horse and wearing his red bishop's cloak, sometimes accompanied by Black Peter, an elf whose job was to punish the bad children. The most known legend is when he walks through the streets in his bishop clothes, carrying a sack full of presents, and leaving a gift on the windowsills of children's houses.

From the different parts of the world, there are different names of Santa Claus, but the spirit of Christmas remains the same. Spanish children call their Santa Balthasar, children in Italy have a female Santa named La Belfana, Denmark has a gnome named Jule-Nissen, Holland has Sinter Klaas, Germany has Sanct Herr, Russia and Ukraine Dedushka Moroz and there are even some places that believe the Christ child brings their presents.

Christmas is a holiday, when all fairy tales come alive. It is time when aunt Happiness and uncle Goodness strolling around, while Dedushka Moroz and Santa Claus give gifts.

[ перевод на русский язык ]

Рождественский банкет и Санта-Клаус

Рождество проходит 25 декабря. Существует несколько традиций, связанных с ним. Одна из них — дарить подарки друг-другу. Дарят подарки не только дети или члены одной семьи. По традиции нужно дарить рождественские подарки людям, с которыми вы работаете, друзьям, посылать им рождественские открытки. Другая традиция — рождественский банкет.

На Рождество бывает самый большой банкет. Хотя сейчас у нас другие кулинарные предпочтения, идея остается та же самая. Как только все рассаживались, начинали подавать еду, после десерта люди пили и танцевали. Банкет продолжался часами и был главным моментом дня. В ходе банкета подавали говядину, пироги с мясом, жареных уток, гусей, свинину, овсянку, праздничные пироги и тосты. Рождество было большим праздником, с большим количеством еды, питья, песен, танцев и подарков.

Традиция дарить подарки началась с тех времен, когда три мудреца сделали три подарка маленькому Иисусу. С тех пор люди выдумывали разные истории, чтобы рассказать своим детям, откуда появились их рождественские подарки. Святой Николас был известен в ранних христианских легендах как спаситель унесенных штормом моряков, защитник детей и податель подарков бедным. Хотя многие из его историй не могут быть достоверно доказаны, легенды о нем распространились по всей Европе и вскоре он стал известен своим чрезвычайным великодушием и подарками.

Во многих историях его описывают едущим по небу на лошади в своем красном плаще, иногда его сопровождает Блэк Питер, эльф, работа которого заключается в наказании плохих детей. Самая известная легенда рассказывает, что он ходит по улицам в одежде епископа с мешком, полным подарков, и кладет их на подоконники окон домов, где живут дети.

В разных частях мира существуют различные имена Санта-Клауса, но дух Рождества остается везде одинаковым. Испанские дети называют своего Санта-Бальтазаром, у детей Италии — это женщина Санта по имени Ла Бельфана, в Дании — гном по имени Джуле Ниссец, в Голландии Зинтер Клаас, в Германии — Занкт Герр, в России и Украине — Дедушка Мороз, в некоторых местах даже полагают, что подарки приносит маленький Христос.

Рождество — это праздник, когда оживают все сказки. Это время, когда тетушка Счастье и дядя Доброта прогуливаются вокруг, а Дедушка Мороз вместе с Санта-Клаусом дарят подарки.

Вопросы к топику:

1. What traditions can be connected with Christmas?
2. When does Christmas take place?
3. Where did the custom of gift giving during Christmas start from?
4. What was Saint Nicholas known for?
5. What was the feast on Christmas day?
6. What kind of holiday is Christmas?
7. What is the most known legend about Saint Nicholas?

The Christmas Feast and Santa Claus Рождественский банкет и Санта-Клаус

feast — праздник
to connect — связывать
highlight — основной момент
goose ( мн.ч. geese) — гусь
roasted duck — жареная утка
fancy — разукрашенный, необычный
wise — мудрый
huge — огромный
to save — спасать
bishop — епископ
to accompany — сопровождать
to toss — бросать, выбрасывать
cloak — плащ
to punish — наказывать
windowsill — подоконник
sack — мешок
to stroll around — бродить, прогуливаться
spirit — дух

Смотреть далее | 14.01.2023 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

National Celebrations in the USA - Национальные праздники в США

National Celebrations in the USA

the 1st of January - New Years Day
the 15th January - Martin Luther King Day
the third Monday - Presidents Day
the 14th of February - St Valentines Day
the fourth Monday - Memorial Day
the 4th of July - Independence Day
the first Monday - Labour Day
the 12th of October - Columbus Day
the 31st of October - Halloween
the 11th of November - Veterans Day
the fourth Thursday - Thanksgiving Day
the 25th of December - Christmas

Americans share three holidays with many countries: Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. Easter, which falls on a spring Sunday that varies from year to year, celebrates the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For Christians, Easter is a day of religious services and the gathering of family. Many Americans follow old traditions of colouring hard-boiled eggs and giving children baskets of candies.

On the next day, Easter Monday, the president of the United States holds an annual Easter egg hunt in White House lawn for young children. Christmas day, December 25, is another Christian holiday, it marks the birth of the Christ Child. Decorating houses and yards with lights, putting up Christmas trees, giving gifts, and sending greeting cards have become traditions even for many non-Christian Americans.

New Year's Day, of course, is in January. The celebration of this holiday begins the night before, when Americans gather to wish each other a happy and prosperous coming year.

[ перевод ]

Национальные праздники в США

1 января - Новый год
15 января - День Мартина Лютера Кинга
третий понедельник - День президентов
14 февраля - День Св. Валентина
четвертый понедельник - День поминовения
4 июля - День Независимости
первый понедельник - День труда
12 октября - День Колумба
31 октября - Хэллоуин
11 ноября - День ветеранов
четвертый четверг - День Благодарения
25 декабря - Рождество

Американцы отмечают три национальных праздника, которые празднуются и во многих странах: Пасхальное воскресенье, Рождество и Новый год. Пасху, дата которой меняется ежегодно и приходится на весеннее воскресенье, празднуют христиане, верующие в воскресенье Иисуса Христа. Для христиан Пасха является днем религиозной службы и поводом для встречи всей семьи. Многие американцы придерживаются старой традиции раскрашивать вареные яйца и дарить детям корзину с конфетами.

На следующий день, в Пасхальный понедельник, президент США проводит ежегодное соревнование для маленьких детей по разбиванию яиц на опушке перед Белым домом. Рождественский день, 25 декабря, является вторым христианским праздником и отмечает рождение Христа. Украшение домов и дворов огоньками, установление рождественской елки, вручение подарков и отправление поздравительных открыток стало традицией даже для тех американцев, которые не являются христианами.

Новый год отмечают 1 января. Празднование проходит ночью, когда американцы встречаются, чтобы пожелать друг другу счастливого нового года и процветания.

National Celebrations in the USA - Национальные праздники в США

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Public Holidays in Russia — Праздники в России

Public Holidays in Russia - Праздники в России

The Russian New Year is celebrated on January, 1,2, 3,4 and 5 or on January, 13 (which is the first of the year according to the Julian calendar, used in Russia before 1918). This holiday usually flows directly into the celebration of Christmas on January, 7.

On February, 23, which is Day of the Defenders of the Motherland Russia honours those who are serving in the Armed Forces and those who have served in the past. During the era of the Soviet Union, it was marked as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy (marking the day of the first combat action against the occupying German army in World War I).

International Women's Day is celebrated every March, 8. The United Nations declares this day to celebrate women and the accomplishments they have made to society. It is not celebrated much throughout the world. On this day, women in Russia are presented with gifts and thanked for their work, love and devotion.

On the first two days of May which are the holiday of Spring and Labour, the workers of Russia are honoured, along with the coming of spring. In the former Soviet Union, 1 May was May Day and was celebrated with huge parades in cities.

Every May, 9, Russia pauses to celebrate the Victory Day commemorating victory over Nazi Germany, while remembering those who fell in order to achieve it. May, 9 was chosen, since the day before in 1945, the Germans gave up to the Soviet Union and its Allies. May, 9 was when the peace took effect. A military parade is usually held in Moscow to celebrate the day On June, 12 Russia formally left the Soviet Union. The holiday of Independence Day was established by Boris Yeltsin, however, it was his successor Vladimir Putin who made it into a big celebration. Military parades could take place on this day in Moscow and other large cities.

November, 4, Day of People's Unity, or National unity day, was first celebrated in 2005. It commemorates the popular uprising which threw the Polish occupying force out from Moscow in November of 1612, and more generally the end of foreign intervention in Russia. Its name alludes to the idea that all the classes of the Russian society willingly united to preserve the Russian state when its collapse seemed inevitable.

Translate the following sentences into English — Переведите следующие предложения на английский

  1. День защитника отечества отмечается 23 февраля и чествует тех, кто служил в Вооруженных Силах. В советскую эпоху он отмечался как День Советской Армии и Военно-морского Флота и увековечивал день первого сражения с наступающей германской армией в Первой мировой войне.
  2. Организация Объединенных Наций объявила 8 марта Международным женским днем, чтобы воздать почести женщинам и отметить их в клад в жизнь общества.
  3. Русский Новый год отмечается 1—5 января или 14 января, которое было первым днем года по юлианскому календарю, использовавшемуся в России до 1918 года.
  4. Первые два дня в мае — это Праздник весны и труда, он отмечался массовыми шествиями в городах.
  5. День победы празднуется 9 мая, чтобы отметить победу над фашистской Германией и почтить память тех, кто пал, чтобы завоевать эту победу.
  6. День независимости отмечается 12 июня; он был установлен Борисом Ельциным и стал широко праздноваться при его преемнике Владимире Путине.
  1. Day of the Defenders of the Motherland is celebrated on February, 23 and honours those who are serving in the Armed Forces, during the Soviet era it was marked as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy and marked the day of the first combat action against the occupying German army in World War I.
  2. The United Nations declared March, 8 International Women's Day to celebrate women and the accomplishments they have made to society.
  3. The Russian New Year is celebrated on January 1 — 5 or on January, 13 which was the first day of the year according to Julian calendar used in Russia before 1918.
  4. The first two days of May are the holiday of Spring and Labour and are celebrated with huge parades in cities.
  5. The Victory Day is celebrated on May, 9 to commemorate victory over Nazi Germany, remembering those who fell in order to achieve it.
  6. Independence Day celebrated on June, 12 was established by Boris Yeltsin and made into a big celebration by his successor Vladimir Putin.

Public Holidays in Russia — Праздники в России

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Топик Russian Holidays and Traditions — Русские праздники и традиции

Топик Russian Holidays and Traditions — Русские праздники и традиции

Russians enjoy their holidays and celebrate them with a lot of food, presents and in big companies of relatives and friends.

There are three types of holidays in Russia: family holidays, state or public holidays and religious holidays. Family holidays include birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and other family celebrations. Different families have different traditions of celebrations.

State or public holidays in Russia include Constitution Day, New Year's Day, the International Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day and Independence Day. State organisations, banks and companies do not work on these days. People spend holi¬day time with their families and friends; they go to theatres or exhibitions, or go to city centre where there are usually folk festivals and concerts in the open air and celebrate with other people.

Russian religious holidays include Christmas, Easter and some others. There is also a pagan holiday - Shrovetide or Pancake Day.

New Year's Day is the major family holiday for many Russians. It is a national holiday in Russia, on which most businesses and public offices are closed. Schools and universities are closed as part of their winter holidays at this time of the year.

New Year's dinner usually starts late on December 31 and includes Russian salad, dressed herring, sparkling wine and other national food. Five minutes before the clock strikes midnight people watch the president's speech on TV and raise a toast to the chiming of the Kremlin clock. After that Russians congratulate each other and exchange presents. Some people go outside to play snowballs, make a snowman or light fire crackers.

Some Russians celebrate this day at their friends' houses or attend the fireworks displays in their city. Celebrations for children include a decorated fir tree and Grandfather Frost, the Russian equivalent of Santa Claus who is believed to bring presents. Grandfather 'Frost often comes with his granddaughter, Snegurochka (Snow Girl).

Victory Day celebrated on May 9 is a very important historic holiday which marks Germany's surrender to the Soviet Union in 1945, ending one of the bloodiest wars in Russia's history. Public offices, schools and most businesses are closed for the celebrations. There may be changes in public transport routes due to parades and street performances.

A lot of people attend a local military parade and watch the fireworks display at night on this day. The biggest parade is in Moscow's Red Square, showcasing Russia's military forces. Veterans wear their medals as they head to the parade or an event organised by local veteran organisations. Another tradition is to give red carnations to veterans and to lay wreaths at the war memorial sites. Schools usually have concerts and performances, sing wartime songs and read poetry. At home, families gather around a festive table to honor surviving witnesses of World War II and remember those who passed away.

Orthodox Christmas is both a national and religious holiday in Russia so banks and public offices are closed on January 7th. Russians celebrate it by having a family dinner, attending a Christmas liturgy and visiting relatives and friends.

For many Russians, Christmas Day is a family holiday but it is not as important for many families as New Year's Day. Many people visit friends and relatives, as well as give and receive presents. Prior to Christmas Day, there is Christmas Eve, which marks the start of an old Slavonic holiday, Svyatki, during which young women used a mirror and candles to see the image of their future husbands.

Maslenitsa, also known as Pancake Week or Shrovetide, is a Russian pagan holiday celebrated during the last week before Great Lent (the seventh week before Easter). Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavonic holiday, dating back to the pagan culture. This is a festival, celebrating the approach of the spring, warmth and renovation of the nature. During the week Russians eat pancakes, have celebrations and every day of the Pancake Week has its own name and traditions.

For example, Sunday is called the Forgiveness Day when everybody should ask for forgiveness. Young married couples usually visit their relatives, give presents to parents and friends, pay visits to their godparents to give presents to them, too.

When asking for forgiveness people usually bow and normally hear the reply, God will forgive you. All the food that is left needs to be eaten up, followed by a piece of rye bread and salt, as a reminder of the upcoming Lent. This is also the last day of the week when pancakes are eaten.

Sunday evening is the_time when Maslenitsa straw doll has to be burnt; after it has turned to ashes, young people walk over the fire, marking the end of the Maslenitsa festivities.

Nowadays foreign celebrations are becoming more and more popular in Russia. The most popular ones are Halloween and St. Valentine's Day.

At Halloween some clubs organise parties and masquerades, people dress up in costumes and may get access to some clubs for free if they come dressed-up. However, this celebration is banned in public schools.

St. Valentine's Day is mostly popular with teenagers and young people. They usually buy small presents for their girlfriends and boyfriends such as chocolate or sweets and make greetings cards in the shape of a heart.

As for me, I don't mind foreign celebrations, but I think that people of different countries should not borrow traditions and celebrations from other nations, even if they are interesting and fun.

My favourite family holiday is New Year's Day. A week before the celebration my mother and I decorate a New Year tree with colourful glass balls and toys. My family usually has the New Year dinner in the evening, long before midnight and just before the New Year comes, we have snacks, caviar and sparkling wine. When the clock strikes midnight, we give each other presents. Later, we watch TV and relax and go outside to watch fireworks displays.

Another celebration which I like is my birthday. It is in spring and usually my friends and I get together, have a party either at my flat or in a cafe and then go' for a walk. I like getting presents and having fun. Once we went to the central park and rode on a big wheel. It was great! I also remember my birthday when my family and I went to a water park and spent a lot of time there swimming and sliding on waterslides of various shapes and sizes!

I think that holidays are important because they connect people and give them an opportunity to have fun and enjoy themselves.

План рассказа топика Russian Holidays and Traditions:

  1. Вступление (Russians enjoy their holidays and celebrate them with a lot of food, presents and in big companies of relatives and friends.).
  2. Предоставить общую информацию о праздниках России (three types of holidays; family holidays; state/public holidays: Constitution Day, New Year's Day, the International Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day, Independence Day; religious holidays: Christmas, Easter; Shrovetide).
  3. Рассказать о самых популярных праздниках России и традициях (New Year's Day: December 31, national holiday, businesses/public offices/schools are closed; dinner: Russian salad/dressed herring/ sparkling wine, etc., watch the president's speech, congratulate each other, exchange presents, play snowballs, make a snowman, light fire crackers, etc., Grandfather Frost, Snegurochka; Victory Day: important historic holiday, May 9, Germany's surrender, public offices, schools and most businesses are closed, local military parade, watch the fireworks display, the biggest parade, veterans wear their medals, give red carnations, lay wreaths at the war memorial sites, school concerts and performances, honour surviving witnesses of World War II; Christmas: Orthodox Christmas, national and religious holiday, January 7th, family dinner, Christmas liturgy, a family holiday, Christmas Eve, Svyatki; Maslenitsa (Pancake Week or Shrovetide): pagan holiday, festival, approach of the spring, renovation of the nature, eat pancakes, the Pancake Week, the Forgiveness Day, visit relatives and friends, a straw doll is burned).
  4. Рассказать о зарубежных праздниках, которые отмечаются в России, и выразить своё мнение (foreign celebrations: Halloween, St. Valentine's Day, parties and masquerades, banned in public schools, St. Valentine's Day, teenagers and young people, buy small presents, make greetings cards; I don't mind/like/don't like foreign celebrations; I think that people in every country should/should not borrow traditions and celebrations from other nations).
  5. Рассказать о своём любимом празднике по следующей схеме: name of the holiday, usual activities on this day, family traditions on this day, why you like it.
  6. Заключение (I think that holidays are important because they connect people and give them an opportunity to have fun and enjoy themselves.).

Вопросы к топику — Questions:

  1. Do you celebrate any of them?
  2. Do you think holidays are important? Why (not)?
  3. How do you usually celebrate New Year's Day?
  4. How do you usually celebrate this holiday?
  5. What holidays do the Russians have?
  6. What are the three types of Russian holidays?
  7. What days are included in family holidays?
  8. What celebrations are state or public?
  9. What do religion holidays include?
  10. When is New Year's Day celebrated?
  11. What are the most popular traditions on this day?
  12. What is Victory Day and why is it important for the Russians?
  13. When is it celebrated?
  14. What are the traditions and activities on Victory Day?
  15. When is Christmas celebrated in Russia?
  16. What are the Christmas traditions?
  17. What is Maslenitsa? What other names does it have?
  18. What are the traditions of this pagan holiday?
  19. What foreign celebrations appeared in Russia?
  20. What's your opinion about them?
  21. What are your favourite Russian holidays?
  22. Why do you like them?
  23. What do you and your family usually do on these days?

Топик Russian Holidays and Traditions Русские праздники и традиции

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Топик Holidays in Great Britain — Праздники в Великобритании (2)

Топик Holidays in Great Britain

The English celebrate different holidays. Among them are Christmas, New Year's Day, St. Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Easter and Halloween. I would like to tell you about the most popular ones.

Christmas is one of the most beloved holidays in Great Britain. It is held on the twenty-fifth of December and commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. All Englishmen begin to prepare for it a couple of weeks beforehand. There is a real hustle and bustle in the city. People attack shopping centers to buy food, presents and greeting cards for their relatives and friends. All houses, churches, business and shopping centers are decorated with garlands, lights, candles, bells and toy angels. In every house there is also a Christmas tree. Actually, day by day the whole country begins to look like a fairy tale. Children often write letters to Santa Claus, traditionally he should be called Father Christmas, and throw them into the fire. On Christmas Eve they hang up their stockings on the ends of the beds or by the fireplace and wait for this mysterious and magic character to come and leave the long-awaited presents for them. In the morning all members of the family hurry to unpack their gift boxes placed under the Christmas tree. At midday they sit down to table and enjoy their traditional festive dinner including roast turkey and fruity pudding. In the evening the English pay visits to their neighbors and friends.

Another great holiday in Great Britain is undoubtedly Halloween which is annually celebrated on the thirty first of October. According to popular belief, on this day all witches, ghosts, and fairies are especially active. On this special occasion English youngsters dress up as witches and ghosts, knock on doors and say, "Trick or treat". If they don't get anything, they play a trick on a person who opens a door. Halloween has many symbols, such as orange pumpkins, black witches and cats. On the Halloween night in almost every window of the house or on the porch one can see a Jack-o-Lantern.

And finally I would like to tell you about St. Valentine's Day. It is a day for all lovers. This holiday is usually celebrated on the fourteenth of February. On this day people who are in love traditionally send anonymous greeting cards in the shape of hearts to their special ones. But who was this cryptic Valentine? There are different legends. According to one of them, Valentine was a Roman priest. When Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriages for young men, Valentine was upset and decided to continue officiating at a wedding in secret. However, when Claudius disclosed the truth, he condemned poor Valentine to death. According to another legend, while in prison, Valentine fell in love with a young girl and wrote her letters. In one of them he stated, "From your Valentine". This expression is still in use today.

[ перевод ]

Праздники в Великобритании (2)

Англичане отмечают различные праздники. Среди них — Рождество, Новый год, День святого Валентина, День матери, Пасха и Хэллоуин. Я бы хотела рассказать вам о самых популярных праздниках.

Рождество — это один из самых излюбленных праздников в Великобритании. Он отмечается двадцать пятого декабря в память о рождении Иисуса Христа. Все англичане начинают готовиться к этому празднику за несколько недель до самого торжественного события. В городе царит настоящая суматоха и суета. Люди атакуют торговые центры, покупая еду, подарки и поздравительные открытки для своих родственников и друзей. Все дома, церкви, торговые и бизнес-центры украшены гирляндами, лампочками, свечами, колокольчиками и фигурами ангелочков. В каждом доме наряжена елка. Постепенно вся страна превращается в сказку. Дети пишут письма-пожелания Санта-Клаусу, или, как его чаще называют в Англии, Рождественскому деду, и сжигают их в камине. В канун Рождества они вешают чулки у края своей кровати или у камина и ждут прихода этого таинственного и волшебного персонажа, который принесет им их долгожданные подарки. Утром все члены семьи спешат распаковать подарки, которые ждут их под елкой. В полдень они садятся к столу и наслаждаются традиционным праздничным обедом, состоящим из индейки и фруктового пудинга. По вечерам англичане ходят в гости к своим соседям и друзьям.

Еще один грандиозный праздник в Великобритании — это, безусловно, Хэллоуин, который ежегодно отмечается тридцать первого октября. Согласно поверью, в этот день все ведьмы, призраки и волшебные существа проявляют наибольшую активность. Ради особого случая английские дети одеваются в ведьм и привидений, стучатся в двери и говорят: «Откупись, а то заколдую!». В случае отказа они разыгрывают шутку над тем человеком, который открыл дверь. У Хэллоуина множество символов, таких как оранжевые тыквы, черные ведьмы и кошки. В ночь на Хэллоуин почти в каждом окне или на крыльце дома можно увидеть так называемые светильники Джека — фонари из тыквы с прорезанными отверстиями в виде глаз, носа и рта.

В конце я хотела бы рассказать вам о Дне святого Валентина. Этот праздник посвящен всем влюбленным. В этот день каждый, кто влюблен, традиционно посылает анонимные открытки в виде сердец своим возлюбленным. Но кто этот загадочный Валентин? Об этом ходят легенды. Согласно одной из них, Валентин был римским священником. Когда император Клавдий II запретил браки между молодыми людьми, Валентин был очень расстроен и продолжил тайно совершать обряды бракосочетания. Однако когда Клавдий узнал об этом, то приговорил бедного Валентина к смерти. Согласно другой легенде, находясь в тюрьме, Валентин влюбился в молоденькую девушку и писал ей письма. В одном из них значилось: «От твоего Валентина». Это выражение используется и сегодня.

Словарь — Vocabulary:

  1. St. Valentine's Day — День святого Валентина
  2. hustle and bustle — давка и сутолока, суматоха и суета
  3. greeting card — поздравительная открытка
  4. church — церковь
  5. emperor — император
  6. Claudius — Клавдий
  7. garland — гирлянда, венок
  8. candle — свеча
  9. fairy tale — волшебная сказка
  10. Santa Claus  — Санта-Клаус
  11. Father Christmas — Рождественский дед
  12. stockings — чулки
  13. fireplace — камин
  14. magic character — волшебный персонаж
  15. turkey — индейка
  16. pudding — пудинг
  17. neighbor — сосед
  18. popular belief— поверье
  19. witch — колдунья, ведьма
  20. ghost — привидение, призрак, дух
  21. fairy — фея, волшебница, эльф
  22. youngsters — дети, подростки
  23. Trick or treat — «Откупись, а то заколдую!» (обычай, согласно которому на праздник Хэллоуин дети стучатся в двери и требуют угощения, угрожая подшутить над хозяином дома в случае отказа)
  24. to play a trick — шутить, подшучивать
  25. to sit down to table — садиться к столу
  26. to commemorate  — почтить чью-либо память
  27. to officiate at a wedding — совершать обряд бракосочетания
  28. to condemn to death — приговаривать к смертной казни
  29. pumpkin — тыква
  30. porch — крыльцо
  31. Jack-o-Lantern — светильник Джека (фонарь из полой тыквы с отверстиями в виде глаз, носа и рта, внутри кото¬рой горит свеча; по традиции ставится у входа в дом или на подоконнике 31 октября в канун Дня всех святых)
  32. anonymous — анонимный, неподписанный
  33. cryptic — загадочный, таинственный
  34. priest — священник
  35. prison — тюрьма, темница

Топик Holidays in Great Britain — Праздники в Великобритании (2)

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